capturing your unique story, photos that feel like you


Based in Bozeman, MT + Seattle, WA

ready to travel to wherever your story takes us

About your photographer

Hey you! My name is Mallory Erickson and I am portrait photographer located in Bozeman, MT + Seattle, WA. I grew up in Seattle and moved to Montana to pursue my Bachelors of Fine Arts in Film and Photography. Once I graduated, I couldn’t leave the beauty that Montana has to offer! As a child, I was involved in theater acting and was a model (with an agency and everything!). I first picked up a camera at age nine and instantly fell in love. It was then that I realized I wanted to be behind the camera rather than in front of it. Since then, it has become my passion to show others their inner beauty through photography. My extensive experience in front of the camera allows me to confidently guide my clients through every step of their photography session. With a deep understanding of posing, lighting, and composition, I can help you effortlessly showcase your best self <3 !

Thank you so much for considering ME to be your photographer! Whatever brings you here today, I know we will have the best time :) Explore the website get in touch with me to get started!

- xxx Mal